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Lecture 23: Virtual Reality (68)

A camera is placed in front of the headset and attempts to track the markers. Each marker has a unique code as labeled in the image. There can be some issues that arise in tracking such as some of the markers being blocked by the movement of the head and some markers being blocked by a hand. Therefore, when estimating the position of these markers, these potential problems need to be accounted for.


In addition to a scene changing and markers being covered, what happens in rooms with low variance of color (I.e dark rooms, very bright rooms) does the performance of the tracking fall?


I read that size of the markers can have an effect on features being captured. To track at large distances, you would need larger markers. They also help with visibility. However, to capture intricate features like facial expressions, you need a larger amount of markers and hence they need to be smaller. As such, I'm curious how the Oculus Rift is able to compromise on this and whether any post processing is needed.

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