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Lecture 23: Virtual Reality (77)

On the topic of VR Rendering, one commonly discussed effect in VR is the Screen Door Effect (SDE). This effect refers to being able to see the grid of pixels in the display, almost like you're looking at an image through a screen door. The SDE is not unique to VR headsets, but is much more noticeable now that the displays are so much closer to the eyes. To mitigate this effect, designers may utilize anti-aliasing techniques or use displays with greater pixel density for the screen size


To add to this, the Apple Vision pro has 3,386 pixels per inch, 64 times more pixels than an iphone in the same area. Pretty crazy stuff


With advancements in VR displays to combat the Screen Door Effect, do these improvements also help with reducing motion sickness in VR? Also, as llejj points out, the Apple Vision pro's super high pixel density must make images incredibly sharp. But how does this translate into power consumption + weight of the headset? Can we have both high-quality images and comfort?


Taking into consideration of both rendering quality and user comfort/battery life, perhaps such tradeoffs can be mitigated (or made less severe) via completely different hardware designs? Currently most of the VR headsets exist as "headsets" - one hardware that needs to account for both user comfort and technical capacities (excluding controllers for now). What if the headset is split into 2 hardware components, one specialised for user comfort and another specialised for rendering? I wonder if something like a specialised glasses that are light and easy to wear can be connected via bluetooth to a "powerbank" equivalent of a rendering device that takes input from the glasses and sends output to the glasses via wireless signals? Then the power bank can be stored somewhere else (eg in pockets, backpacks) without having to weigh down on the user's head, and in turn can be made technically more robust without needing to worry about weight? Just some food for thought...

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