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Lecture 23: Virtual Reality (96)

Wouldn't this cause the light to flicker?


Professor Ng discussed in class that some people are more susceptible to the flicker sensation than others, but overall, you don't notice flicker if it's fast enough. For example light bulbs often have some flicker, or they change their brightness rapidly over the course of a second, but the human eye just isn't built to pick up on changes like that, and the light appears normal. Same thing is happening here, we just don't notice the flicker if it's fast enough.


I wonder whether the low-persistence would cause the overall image to look darker to the human eye, since the total emitted power is decreased.


@helenawsu Maybe when the pixels do emit light it has to emit a brighter one to compensate for all the time that it is off.


Does this still not have the issue of forming a feedback loop between a users head turning and the position of an object on the display.

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