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Lecture 3: Antialiasing (45)

I found a cool little example of what a high-pass filter might be useful for. this article talks about making a grass texture better for tiling by using a high-pass filter.


High frequency means big changes between pixels, and for an image of an object that typically means edges/boundaries between objects and/or the background. So essentially what filtering out the low frequencies does is edge detection!


going off another comment -- if high frequencies mean big changes, what would happen if the distinction between objects was defined by hue or chroma? (i know this is b/w right now, but how would this be adapted to more features)


Trying this type of filtering in image editing software is really helpful - programs like GIMP have lots of built-in filters that let you change parameters and preview the resulting image, which also builds intuition!


Image recognition algorithms such as Convolutional Neural Nets use combinations of these filters to classify images

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