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Lecture 4: Transforms (42)

Is there a translation between one interpretation and the other? I'd imagine it's similar to extra transformation stacked on top of each, but could there ever be a loss of information in this conversion?


After looking into these two interpretations, if I am understanding correctly, the difference here is in the first one we are moving the object itself so we are literally resizing/rotating the lil' house. But in the second one we are resizing/rotating the "world" aka the axis. In the case of the world resizing is just moving the "world" further or closer a way... so by moving the axis closer the object gets smaller versus resizing the object itself. Thus both achieving the same affect. Then with rotations I should rotate the world to the left to rotate the object to the right and then right to rotate left?

While I think I understand the transformation intuitively, by looking at the pictures here makes me wonder if the outcome is actually the same since the object ends up a different size even if in the same placement based on the axis... any clarification by chance? and if it is different then is one better than the other in certain situations? How do I know when to use either if so?


I found the second interpretation very interesting. I never thought about it as simply modifying the coordinate system as well. However I think the first interpretation is better to understand translations. Also in the case with multiple objects, they all lie on a single coordinate system which can be shown by the first interpretation.

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