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Lecture 4: Transforms (81)

Sorry, can someone define for me what "Image point" and "Scene point" represent?


(Please TA's correct me if I'm wrong since I'm also attempting to consolidate my understanding)

I think the scene point is the specific point in the image/scene in 3D that we're trying to capture/project/abstract to our 2D space/plane. I suppose it represents just a very specific point that we're trying to capture and put on our screen. Looking back to the previous slide of the pinhole camera, it the scene point I think would be something like point A (the top of the candle) that we're specifically looking at on "THE IMAGE" which is projected onto paper as point C.

I guess that leads into the image point, which is the corresponding point on the image plane where the scene point is projected. Again, in the previous Pinhole Camera slide this would be point C or point E.

Basically (again I hope I'm correct in saying this) is the scene point is the real-life 3D thing you're looking at in 3D space, while the image point is it's corresponding representation as a 2D image.

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