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Lecture 5: Texture (58)

In the context of rendering this three dimensional, is the texture "minification" the applying the possibly full resolution image to the objects on the screen which take up resolution less than the full-screen's resolution?


This is a still image so the textures and the anti-alias effects are used in a way unique to this image, however, I'm curious if we were in a 3D space and able to move the camera, how would the way we work with filters or methods change? I'm assuming we would have to re-render and apply these techniques to every single frame?


Is this type of adaptive minification the reason that zooming in/out too quickly in 3D scenes in some software/games causes a delayed change in resolution?


From the perspective of rendering in a video game (where frames are constantly changing), I never imagined that the degree to which aliasing happens could be affected by distance. Continuous mipmap levels are a really elegant solution to this problem.

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