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Lecture 5: Texture (67)

I was a little confused on what the difference was between bilinear and trilinear filtering. I found out that bilinear filtering interpolates texels within a single mip level to compute the final color of each pixel. On the other hand, trilinear filtering interpolates texels from adjacent mip levels + the same mip level, allowing it to blend colors between different levels. The reason why it is called trilinear filtering is because of the three levels: current mip level + two neighbors.


From what I understand, this is trilinear because we are doing another linear interpolation every the individual bilinear filterings.


It seems as though Trilinear filtering should always perform better than bilinear filtering, but comes at the cost of computing power. Are there any situations where, computing power aside, bilinear filtering would actually produce a better result than trilinear filtering?


I thought trilinear filtering is a combination of mimapping and bilinear filtering. In scenarios where high detail at very close range is more critical than the smooth blending of textures at varying distances, might bilinear filtering's more straightforward approach offer more precise textural detail?

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