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Lecture 6: The Rasterization Pipeline (9)

I was pretty intrigued at the idea of simulating the process of traditional painting for computer graphics. I looked into this algorithm/technique a bit more, and it seems like this could run into issues, either with cost or accuracy, for more complex images or images where the order in which the objects in the frame should be drawn isn't completely known (as noted on the next slide). It seems like issues may arise more frequently when there are intersecting / transparent objects.


Are there some common tricks for more efficient implementation of the painter's algorithm? I could imagine figuring out when to stop a layer early because the rest of the pixels will be invisible, but is this efficient?


The Painter’s Algorithm requires polygons that are sorted in front-to-back or back-to-front order.


This is a very interesting way of rendering because of how simple it is to understand. Furthermore, compared to some other techniques, this can takes less time and resources to run. It doesn't work well for all scenarios, but I wonder if a lot of modern technologies use this in edge cases.

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