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Lecture 7: Bezier Curves & Surfaces (48)

In this interpolation, it seems that you can change how smooth one segment is from point to point to create an overall smoother curve along all of the points. In what situations is it more valuable to be more accurate point to point, and when is it better to be smoother amongst all the points.


In the previous slides, I believe P(t) is defined as the height of the line at some time t between 0 and 1. However for 2D interpolation where both x and y coordinates vary, how would you define P(t)? Would it be two functions, one for x and one for y, or something else?


@kevinzwang I feel like it could either be 2 parametric equations, one for each variable, or an equation like Z = f(x,y). I'm a little confused as to how this space curve is 3D because it seems like the points are on a 2D grid, but maybe I'm just not picturing it correctly

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