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Lecture 8: Mesh Processing & Geometry Processing (16)

How can geometry differ with the same topology such that the desired graphics still render? Is there a way to mathematically represent this limit, or is it more case-by-case-dependent depending on the graphic and the end user?


For linear interpolation to work, will it require all the triangles and points to exist from point A to point B? What happens if we introduce another triangle onto the body, would this cause issues with the linear interpolation?


By the note, does the 'not semantically correct' aspect have to do with the triangle shrinking in the intermediate stages or am I missing something else?


I think "not semantically correct" here refers to the fact that simply interpolating between meshes might result in transforms that are anatomically unrealistic (e.g. our elbow is a hinge joint limited in its movement, but we might get a weird rotation animation if we interpolate between two body poses).

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