How does the Catmull-Clark subdivision approach ensure a balance between maintaining the structure of a regular quad mesh and achieving smoother, more detailed surfaces?
@AnikethPrasad Good question! Catmull-Clark include additional face points based on the average of all original points in the same face and perturbs the vertices based on a weighted average of its original vertex location (P), average (F) of all n neighboring face points, and the average (R) of all n midpoints on neighboring edges. Hence, it is able to preserve the original structure. It makes the surface smoother by subdiving each face to smaller segments (mesh elements).
How does the Catmull-Clark subdivision approach ensure a balance between maintaining the structure of a regular quad mesh and achieving smoother, more detailed surfaces?
@AnikethPrasad Good question! Catmull-Clark include additional face points based on the average of all original points in the same face and perturbs the vertices based on a weighted average of its original vertex location (P), average (F) of all n neighboring face points, and the average (R) of all n midpoints on neighboring edges. Hence, it is able to preserve the original structure. It makes the surface smoother by subdiving each face to smaller segments (mesh elements).