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Lecture 8: Mesh Processing & Geometry Processing (76)

Is one of the exceptions of "good", uniform triangles when we are looking at or near creases? Slide 59 makes me believe so but I just wanted to clarify.


I got to implement Delaunay Triangulation for another class to take any mesh and triangulate it. It's cool to see it reappear in this context for graphics.


I think we got to see the differences between good and bad meshes in early video games. It was mentioned in lecture how the meshes should conform smoothly to whatever object. It is important to have minimal variation in the angle between triangles as this can create rough looking edge. In early video games this was very apparent as 3d characters would often have very blocky faces and bodies.


Does ensuring triangles meets the delaunay property have mathematical merit or is it just a heuristic that more or less indicates that it is "good enough"?


I was thinking about what could be some downsides of having bad triangles in a mesh, as it wasn't immediately obvious to me. Here are a few things I have noticed: 1) they can cause problems during operations like mesh collapsing. Because without a proportion of verticies makes it difficult to interpolate values accurately which may cause irregularities due to aliasing.

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