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Lecture 8: Mesh Processing & Geometry Processing (78)

clarifying question: does making triangles uniform (without changing the amount of triangles) always mean loosing texture in the mesh?


Just wanted to clarify, does making uniform triangles reduce the amount of error in collapsing an edge?


Does the sampling pattern change within regions where regularization increases the size of the triangles? Or are we simply supposed to deal with the loss of texture that muuncakez refers to?


Although making uniform triangles in shape and size seems very practical, I wonder what are the pros and cons of doing so? Also, how much extra processing is required in order to achieve this?


@randyen I'm not sure if this is the correct answer. But to me the left image (with irregular shapes) has a lot more refined smooth curves, and it's probably easier and fast to implement since there's less constraints. I believe in the prev slides it said that we want to have even shapes to make calculations easier.


This severely reduces detail of the mesh, so when can this be useful, wouldn't this undo a lot of the work done to create the mesh

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