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Lecture 9: Ray Tracing & Acceleration Structures (13)

There seems to be a lot of noise in the image. I wonder if it's because of inaccuracies in the illumination model or errors accumulated through mesh sizes and rounding.


from my understanding, ray tracing requires recursion, but shaders (like GLSL) doesn't allow for recursion. Would using iteration instead cause any negative affects in terms of performance when ray tracing in shader code?


not really, it is very much possible to turn this particular recursive function into an iterative one since you can push the contribution from the next bounce to the very end (or very nearly so) - i.e. it (almost) becomes a tail recursion, you might have to keep around a little bit of extra space but its quite negligible


I'm wondering if these techniques for visual light rays tracing can be extended to sound waves simulation. I feel like recursive ray tracing could be adapted to calculate how sound waves propagate and interact with environments in theaters or recording studios.

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