Lecture 9: Ray Tracing & Acceleration Structures (50)
I think it's cool how KD-trees are mentioned here and used in computer graphics, as I recall CS 186 mentioning them for databases. I also recall them being useful in astrophysics. Although we could hypothetically go to the Kth-dimension, I wonder what purposes we could have for anything beyond the 3rd one for practical use cases? Additionally, I wonder how much computation and processing power is needed as you reach higher and higher levels of dimensionality in graphics.
I think it's cool how KD-trees are mentioned here and used in computer graphics, as I recall CS 186 mentioning them for databases. I also recall them being useful in astrophysics. Although we could hypothetically go to the Kth-dimension, I wonder what purposes we could have for anything beyond the 3rd one for practical use cases? Additionally, I wonder how much computation and processing power is needed as you reach higher and higher levels of dimensionality in graphics.