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Lecture 9: Ray Tracing & Acceleration Structures (62)

at first i thought that this traversal was the same as DFS inorder. however, rather than traversing the D subtree, we skip it and go to node(3). i understand that this is due to the ray hitting the orange rectangle causing us to skip the smaller pink and purple rectangles, but how is this square with the ray used in this algorithm if you were to code it?


@he-yilan if you extend the vertical line at C (t_split) you can see the ray crosses it which means that it will never reach 4 and 5


How does intersection work when it comes to elements which are split into two different sections? For example, the element stuck between 2 and 4.


@liltony I believe that depending on the ray, it will be accounted in different boxes. Here, we are dividing the boxes by the space and not by the item. (someone please correct me it this is wrong)

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