Potential Extra Credit - Draw Something Creative!

Use your newfound powers to render something fun. You can look up the svg specifications online for matrix transforms and for Point, Line, Polyline, Rect, Polygon, and Group classes. The ColorTri and TexTri are our own inventions, so you can intuit their parameters by looking at the svgparser.cpp file. You can either try to draw something “by hand” or try to output an interesting pattern programmatically. For example, we wrote some simple programs to generate the texture mapped svg files in the texmap directory as well as the color wheel in basic/test7.svg.

Flex your right or left brain – either show us your artistic side, or generate awesome procedural patterns with code. This could involve a lot of programming either inside or outside of the codebase! If you write a script to generate procedural svg files, include it in your submission and briefly explain how it works.

Tips and guidelines for your submission:

  • Your resulting png screenshot should be 800x800 resolution. Keep this in mind when writing your svg file.
  • Use the GUI’s 'S' functionality to save your screenshot as a png. Don’t take your own screenshot of your rasterized result, or you’ll ruin the quality of your hard work!
    • As a reminder, your screenshots need to be generated by using the 'S' hotkey, not using your operating systems native screenshotting mechanism. You can refer back to our guide on Using the GUI on how to generate these images, and where to find them once they’re generated.
  • Note: The rasterizer cannot display svg Path elements, so do not include any curves in the svg you wish to load.

Students will vote on their favorite submissions and the top voted submission(s) will receive extra credit! More details regarding the art competition will be announced next week. Stay in tune!

For Your Write-Up: Extra Credit

  • Save your best svg file as competition.svg in your docs/ directory, and show us a 800x800 png screenshot of it in your write-up!
  • Explain how you did it. If you wrote a script to generate procedural svg files, include it in your submission in the src/ directory and briefly explain how it works.