This page will be updated throughout the course with supplemental readings. Students should also get acquainted with the course site’s student handbook to learn about site features like viewing assignments, and more.
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
- Shirley et al., Chapter 1
- Optional:
Lecture 2 & 3: Digital Drawing, Sampling, and Antialiasing
- Shirley et al., Chapters 2, 3, 8.1 - 8.3, 9
- Further Reading:
- A Pixel is Not A Little Square, Alvy Ray Smith, 1995
- A Video Illustration of Temporal Aliasing. by Jesse Mason
- The Fourier Transform and It’s Applications (Ch. 5) by B. Osgood (this is an outstanding reference)
Lecture 4: Transforms
- Shirley et al., Chapters 6, 7
- Further Reading:
- Real Time Rendering – Chapter 4. by T. Akenine Moller, E. Haines, N. Hoffman. Additional methods for 3D rotations, including quaternions.
Lecture 5: Texture Mapping
- Shirley et al., Chapter 11
- Further Reading:
- Pyramidal Parametrics. by L. Williams (the original mipmapping paper from 1983!)
- Reconstruction filters in computer graphics. by D. Mitchell and A. Netravali
Lecture 6: Rasterization Pipeline (+Visibility and Shading)
- Shirley et al., Chapter 18, recall Chapter 8.1-8.3, Chapter 10.
Lecture 7: Splines, Curves and Surfaces
- Shirley et al., Chapter 15.
Lecture 8 & 9: Geometry Processing (and Ray-Surface Intersection)
- Shirley et al., Chapter 4.4.
- Further Reading:
- Smooth Subdivision Surfaces Based on Triangles, Charles Loop’s MS Thesis, University of Utah, 1987.
- Recursively defined B-spline surfaces on arbitrary topological meshes. Original paper on Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces. 1978.
- A survey of ray-surface intersection algorithms, by Pat Hanrahan. Chapter 3 in Glassner’s book “An Introduction to Ray Tracing”.
- Subdivision Surfaces in Character Animation
Lecture 10: Accelerating Ray-Surface Intersection
- No assigned reading.
- Further Reading:
Lecture 11: Measuring Light: Radiometry and Photometry
- Shirley et al., Chapter 20.
- Steve Marschner’s notes on radiometry.
Lecture 12: Monte Carlo Integration
- Shirley et al., Chapter 14.
- Further reading:
- Monte Carlo Integration, Chapter 13 and 14.4 in PBRT.
Lecture 13: Global Illumination
- Shirley et al., Chapter 24.
- Further reading:
- Chapter 15, PBRT.
- The Rendering Equation, J. Kajiya, 1986. The original!
Lecture 14: Reflection and Materials
- Shirley et al., Chapter 20.1.6 and 25.
- Further reading:
- Reflection Models, Chapter 8, PBRT.
- Predicting reflectance functions from complex surfaces, S. Westin, J. Arvo, K. Torrance.
Lecture 15: Cameras & Lenses I
- Marc Levoy’s CS178 Applets on exposure.
Lecture 16: Cameras & Lenses II
- Kolb, Mitchell, Hanrahan (1995) A realistic camera model for computer graphics
- Marc Levoy’s CS178 Applets on thin lenses, thin lens equation, depth of field, phase detection autofocus, and contrast autofocus.
- Further reading:
- Canon introduction to Basics of Interchangeable Lenses.
- Canon reference on Optical Terminology.
- Canon chapter on Lens Technology.
Lecture 17 & 18: Intro to Animation
- Shirley et al., Chapter 17.
Lecture 19 & 20: Introduction to Color Theory
- Shirley et al., Chapter 21
- Further reading:
- Marc Levoy’s CS178 Applets on color.
Lecture 21 & 22: Physically Based Rendering
- Further reading:
- Witkin and Baraff Physically Based Modeling: Principles and Practice.