
This page will be updated throughout the course with supplemental readings. Students should also get acquainted with the course site’s student handbook to learn about site features like viewing assignments, and more.

Lecture 1: Course Introduction

Lecture 2 & 3: Digital Drawing, Sampling, and Antialiasing

Lecture 4: Transforms

  • Shirley et al., Chapters 6, 7
  • Further Reading:

Lecture 5: Texture Mapping

Lecture 6: Rasterization Pipeline (+Visibility and Shading)

  • Shirley et al., Chapter 18, recall Chapter 8.1-8.3, Chapter 10.

Lecture 7: Splines, Curves and Surfaces

  • Shirley et al., Chapter 15.

Lecture 8 & 9: Geometry Processing (and Ray-Surface Intersection)

Lecture 10: Accelerating Ray-Surface Intersection

  • No assigned reading.
  • Further Reading:
    • Debugging Aggregates, Chapter 4.6 in PBRT. This may be helpful for debugging Assignment 3. Note: you should be able to access this book online while on campus with your Calnet login.
    • PBRT Chapters 4.3 - 4.4.

Lecture 11: Measuring Light: Radiometry and Photometry

Lecture 12: Monte Carlo Integration

  • Shirley et al., Chapter 14.
  • Further reading:
  • Monte Carlo Integration, Chapter 13 and 14.4 in PBRT.

Lecture 13: Global Illumination

Lecture 14: Reflection and Materials

Lecture 15: Cameras & Lenses I

Lecture 16: Cameras & Lenses II

Lecture 17 & 18: Intro to Animation

  • Shirley et al., Chapter 17.

Lecture 19 & 20: Introduction to Color Theory

  • Shirley et al., Chapter 21
  • Further reading:

Lecture 21 & 22: Physically Based Rendering