Student Handbook

Welcome to cs184/284a! This is a handbook detailing the features of the course site and course procedures.


Accepting Assignments

When an assignment is released, please click on the GitHub classroom linked on Ed. Clicking on this link for the first time will ask you to confirm accepting the assignment on GitHub Classroom, allowing you to set up your project repository.

Your repo may take some time to import. The project spec can be found by clicking the spec link under the Homework directory on the main navigation of this site.

Building Assignments

Please visit our Building Assignments article to learn more.

Submitting Coding Assignments

To submit an assignment, please make sure to link your Gradescope account to your GitHub account (see Gradescope’s guide to link accounts).

Then, you’ll want to submit via GitHub (see Gradescope’s guide to submitting code). From here, you should be able to select the relevant CS184/284A repository that you created when you accepted the assignment from GitHub classroom.


We’ve provided a HW Webpages GitHub Classroom that may be helpful in constructing your write-ups for each assignment. This course emphasizes write-ups as

  • they showcase all the wonderful work that you’ve done in this course,
  • they can serve as a portfolio that you can utilize for your future opportunities, and
  • they are a testament to your ability to document work that you’ve completed.

In the GitHub Classroom repository we’ve provided, we have already structured it to include four folders (one for each homework). Each homework has an image and an index.html file that has some useful headings and resources for you. Specifically, we’ve included ways for you to include code and images (and shown methods to display images within a tabular structure).

Of course, you are free to create your own template, or build off static website generators, or even your own. In all cases, you must include a link at the top of the webpage that links back to the site itself (this is included in the template) so that staff can check on your site if needed.

Deployment of Webpages

It is a requirement in this course to deploy your write-ups publicly. We recommend utilizing the GitHub Classroom repository provided, and enabling GitHub pages. To do this, go to the “Settings” tab on the repository, and click on “Pages”. Under “Build and Deployment”, ensure that it chooses teh source to be “Deploy from a branch”. From there, select the branch that you’d like to deploy (most often “main”), and set the folder to be “root”. Then, click save.

Once your site deploys for the first time, you should see a message that says “Your site is live at [website url]” at the top, and you can click on that link to access your now fully live webpage!

Submitting Write-Up Assignments

Please submit a PDF copy of your write-up, that includes a link to your write-up page, to the relevant Gradescope assignment. Here’s some ediquette about submitting these assignments to Gradescope:

  • Please add your partner to your Gradescope submission. This ensures that both you and your partner are on the most up-to-date version, and decreases workload on staff on needing to double grade your one assignment!
  • Please select all the correct pages for each specific subpart. We will not grade a page if you do not select it.
  • Conversely, if you did not do a specific task (if you didn’t have time, if it’s an extra credit opportunity you didn’t attempt, etc.), please do not select any pages!
  • Keep your headings obvious. Staff members need to be able to parse the content that you’re reading, and breaking up your text into paragraphs with clear headings makes our lives easier.
  • Check that the PDF that you’ve submitted includes a link (written out) to your webpage.
    • Please do not make it a link with alternate text: the text for the link should be the actual URL to your webpage for easy staff access.
    • This ensures that if an image is cut off, or if you have a GIF or video that you’d like a staff member to view, that they can easily find your webpage.