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I’ve been a prof at Berkeley since 2015, and love teaching this course. My research is in visual computing, including imaging systems, graphics, computer vision and human vision. Love rock climbing and kids!
TAs | OS: Mac
Hey all! I’m a senior from Seattle. I drink way too much matcha and still am Evanbot’s #1 fan. See you around :) | OS: Linux, Mac
Hi, I’m Jennifer! I like drawing and making slideshows :) Looking forward to a great semester! | OS: Linux, Mac
Hello! I’m a 4th and final-year PhD student working on 3D computer vision with Prof. Angjoo Kanazawa. I enjoy escape rooms, board games, country music, jump rope, and trying new things! | OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Hi! I’m a 4th year CS PhD student, doing research on human vision and color perception. I enjoy making and playing video games, 3D animation, and long walks on the beach (beach optional). Pleasure meeting you all! | OS: Windows, Linux | OS: Windows, Linux, WSL
Hi! I’m a junior and an enjoyer of tennis, LaTeX, and origami. Looking forward to meeting y’all! | OS: Mac
The beauty of graphics is that an error in your code can make even cooler art! Creative coding, 3D modeling, shaders, and photography enthusiast. 4th year CS major that goes down too many youtube rabbit holes. Do the extra credits!!! | OS: Mac
My cat. My favorite pokemon. My coffee grinder. Also if you wanna learn how to make 3D animations, take ucbugg