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Lecture 17: Intro to Animation (36)

I was curious why it's recommended that we avoid symmetries in animation. This blog ( claims that we avoid symmetries in order to ensure the character doesn't look wooden.


I was thinking about this, and I thought back to that picture a few lectures ago with the table setup with mugs and desserts and grapes. I remembered that some of those rendered items looked "too perfect," and maybe its the same concept here where to us, a few subtle imperfections make images look more realistic because that's how the real world is.


I was also curious about why you would want to avoid symmetry. I referenced the book "Universal Principles of Design" by Lidwell, Holden, and Butler, and read the section on symmetry. They recommend making heavy use of symmetry because symmetry (they claim) is generally perceived as aesthetic. However, they also recommend using different types of symmetry so that visuals are not boring. The different types of symmetry they describe or rotational, reflection, and translation symmetry.

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