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Lecture 17: Intro to Animation (45)

If an animation uses linear interpolation, will the effect like that audience can see very obvious change between the stages?


So I understand how the splines worked from the previous lectures; however, it seems like the bezier curves are a better option for controllable interpolation. Is the fewer human inputs the reason we use splines instead of bezier curves?


@ronthalanki Splines doesn't conflict with bezier curves. B-spline, for example, is a generalization of bezier curves and shares all important properties of the later. B-spline is usually a better option since it provides more control flexibility than bezier curves.


I am wondering whether every point inside the key frame is treated independently when calculating spline curves that forming tweenings? If so, will this cause any artifacts due to incontinuity in consecutive key frames?


What are some examples of where certain types of splines are better than others? I am thinking that there are pros and cons to the type of continuity provided by each curve.


What are some examples of where certain types of splines are better than others? I am thinking that there are pros and cons to the type of continuity provided by each curve.

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