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Lecture 24: Image Processing (30)

Some common blurring methods include averaging, Gaussian Blur, median Blur and Bilateral Filtering. OpenCV has documentation where you could try it yourself:


Gaussian Blur can be seen as a low-pass filter that is used to remove "Gaussian" or random noise from the image. It can still be understood as taking the average value of its surrounding pixels.


@wcyjames I don't quite know how taking the average value of surrounding pixels can remove random noise from the image, I guess taking the average reduces the error?


I'd say the part about taking the average is better described as a box filter, and for that if you think about it, the variance is reduced by a factor of n given independently distributed zero-mean noise, and with large enough samples the central limit theorem will apply. The gaussian filter is more like a 2D grid of Gaussian PDF samples and I found a derivation here


Box filters will lead to nasty artifacts that guassian blur doesn't have

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