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Lecture 24: Image Processing (45)

I was curious about median computation here, since we learned that it was O(n^2) bruteforce and O(n) quickselect/median of medians, and found that it can be done in constant time (!?) in this paper, and can take advantage of vectorization.


It's crazy that they got constant time! I haven't read through the paper carefully but it looks like a key component of their technique is using the fact that pixels have a discrete range of possible values (e.g. 0-255) as they discuss in Section IV. Refutation of the Gil-Werman Lower Bound and section V.A Higher Precision on page 3.

I guess that's one way in which the median filter problem is different from the classic "median of an array" problem -- there are many more pixels, but the possible values are generally more limited, allowing for optimized computation.


I love the artistic effect of median filter that results in a flat / cell shading look. Filters have lots of artistic vlaue!

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