How are these equations formulated, and how are observations made in order to create such equations? As someone trying to learn about graphics for the first time, are people who find these models generally those that have a strong physics background? Adding on, is it possible for the n and h vector to perfectly line up, and is there a special effect that occurs when they do?
I'm still confused to why we dot product n by h and the inuition behind it. Previously in Lambertian shading we dot product n by l, but it seems n and h have a huge difference. But what exactly is that difference in terms of shading?
daniswords I think that the dot product of n and h comes from the math explained in the link above. We have the angle between those two unit vectors, and doing dot product of of those two unit vectors is equivalent to finding the cosine of that angle
So I see from the following slide that p is power, but is that a computed value or an arbitrary/chosen one?
I also wonder where this formula comes from, and what ks represents. In addition, what does the r and p represent?
How are these equations formulated, and how are observations made in order to create such equations? As someone trying to learn about graphics for the first time, are people who find these models generally those that have a strong physics background? Adding on, is it possible for the n and h vector to perfectly line up, and is there a special effect that occurs when they do?
I'm still confused to why we dot product n by h and the inuition behind it. Previously in Lambertian shading we dot product n by l, but it seems n and h have a huge difference. But what exactly is that difference in terms of shading? I think that the dot product of n and h comes from the math explained in the link above. We have the angle between those two unit vectors, and doing dot product of of those two unit vectors is equivalent to finding the cosine of that angle
So I see from the following slide that p is power, but is that a computed value or an arbitrary/chosen one?
I also wonder where this formula comes from, and what ks represents. In addition, what does the r and p represent?