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Lecture 1: Introduction (13)

To further expand upon the use of graphics in filmmaking, the TV series The Mandalorian utilized video wall technology as opposed to conventional green screens to develop immersive environments for on-set production. Pairing the camera with the digital environments created in Unreal Engine enabled the crew to do much of their shoots within a warehouse, saving on travel and dodging weather constraints. ILM, which had pioneered the VFX in Jurassic Park, was instrumental in this new development.


Another comment about VFX, I highly recommend learning from Corridor Crew on YouTube to see some behind-the-scene and breakdowns for how movies are made. I found their video on the making of Shang-Chi particularly interesting. The bus fight scene utilized 4 different buses located in different studios around the world with many green/blue screens, and it took over a year to complete this scene alone. There is also a software pipeline to prototype action shots in simulation before bringing in the real actors and their stunt doubles.

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