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Lecture 1: Introduction (49)

I've always played a lot of video games and one of the settings you can change is anti-aliasing level -- decreasing jaggies at the cost of performance. I've always wondered how this worked - I guess specifically the computations necessary to remove these jaggies and why the performance hit can be so large for more advanced anti-aliasing techniques.


@kdpham great connection! I also encountered these anti-aliasing settings way before learning about their implementation. Hope you're excited for next week where we'll open up the black box :)

Do you have any ideas for ways to reduce aliasing?


@kdpham Based on some googling and research, I found that there are generally 4 types of anti-aliasing technologies in the game industry: MSAA, FXAA, TXAA/MLAA, SSAA. What the first 3 methods do is pretty much trying to blur the image. The SSAA on the other hands, tries to render the image at a higher resolution then downsample to fit the current display resolution.


I've always wondered where these "jaggies" came from in poor-resolution images, and what methods are used to reduce aliasing effects like jaggies. It reminds me of how in detective TV shows when they're looking at horribly jagged security cam footage, they're always somehow able to magically "enhance" the image and make it suddenly crystal clear, conjuring more pixels out of thin air.

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