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Lecture 10: Ray Tracing - Acceleration (2)

Nvidia's RTX series graphics cards seem to perform especially well for ray tracing. Is there any specific architectural design that allows this to happen beyond than having stronger/more cores?


Someone can correct me if I am wrong but I believe another reason the Nvidia GPU's do so well is because of the CUDA parallel computing platform that allows the cards to use the ray tracing algorithms extremely efficiently and effectively.


I also hear ray tracing a lot in gaming. But from what I know, only NVDIA graphic cards support ray tracing. I'm wondering what is it that only NVDIA supports ray tracing while the implementation of ray tracing is pretty well-known. So I'm wondering why is it the reason that AMD isn't able to support ra tracing.


Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but @weiweimonster1130 I am fairly certain that AMD also now supports ray tracing, although NVIDIA debuted the technology first. NVIDIA specifically uses RT cores, or accelerator units, which specifically perform ray tracing operations.

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