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Lecture 10: Ray Tracing - Acceleration (5)

this reminds me of project 1 and how for rasterization, finding the bounding box is part of increasing efficiency and speed. This is interesting because I only thought of bounding boxes as increasing speed, not also to avoid intersections. I wonder if there are even more applications for bounding boxes. I know that bounding boxes are crucial to fields like ML for image recognition, robotics (detect and navigate through objects), and security (detect intruders)


This is no doubt a very quick and easy way to avoid intersections, but I wonder how much it would help for objects that are very large. For example, if the floor of a scene, which lined the entire bottom half of the screen, was rendered as a complex object, the volume containing the object would also be very large, and so not many intersections would be avoided as almost everything would hit the volume regardless


Are there advantages from using certain shapes to bound here? What shapes are typically used for this technique in practice?


How are objects that aren't visible in the render frame used in the ray tracing process - can we consider those too? It would certainly affect the result, as well as computation time.


It was mentioned that different bounding volumes are selected based on what is most optimal for that object. However for a scene, how would we efficiently test which option works best? and does this mean that multiple bounding volumes would be applied per scene based on what is most efficient for each individual object?

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