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Lecture 11: Radiometry & Photometry (8)

Photopic curve is the average of all of the spectral sensitivities of the cones. Scotopic curve is the the spectral sensitivity curve of the rods.


I remember learning about applications of Photometry in a Physics class. It dealt with more than just the human visible wavelengths of light (depicted in the graph on the slide), and also some phenomenon like interstellar redding and Doppler Shifts that could be relevant for discerning how the wavelengths of light are altered by the time they reach our eyes


Is this why it takes a while for human eyes to adjust to darkness? The curve has to shift to the scotopic curve?


In the lecture, Ren says if we have wavelengths of 550 nm and 600 nm, the photometric luminous flux will be the same. How is that possible given we are integrating the radiant flux over the wavelength?


So it means that given a different pair of eyes, we can actually get different results of luminous flux since the efficiency curve is different


That's an interesting point brought up above about how we would get different results of luminous flux with a different pair of eyes- someone on a different slide brought up how mantis shrimp can see 10x more colors than we can, I wonder what the luminous flux of a mantis shrimp would look like!

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