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Lecture 12: Monte Carlo Integration (15)


  1. Each probability P(x) must be between 0 and 1
  2. The sum of all the possible probabilities is 1

It was interesting to see from lecture how the PDF/CDF and Monte Carlo Integration play a big role in graphics and it was interesting to see the variance when sampling with one ray vs many and how we solved that issue


it was confusing to me that there is an upper case X and a lower case x in later discussions of probability and I had to go back to this slide to understand the difference. it is worthy to make a note that X refers to the variable of interest that could take on many values, whereas x refers to a constant, where xi is one possible actual value of X


It's interesting to see this application of the PDF/CDF, especially after what we have learnt in CS 70. I would not have expected it to be used for things like sampling, etc. in computer graphics, but it makes sense and is a very interesting application!

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