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Lecture 13: Global Illumination & Path Tracing (17)

How do people come up with the reflection models and data for all of these different materials?


It seems like measuring reflection properties of materials is fairly easy with modern equipment! This was an interesting read! Check it out : )


On that same note, I guess I'm now wondering about if there's just a specific set of reflection properties that people refer to when rendering the appearance of different materials and how extensive this set might be - I imagine it would be quite difficult to come up with how the material should behave in a ton of different lighting environments.


@crystal-zq-wang As far as I've heard there are also a lot of free libraries that a lot of people refer to which have some well-defined, realistic materials for general usage. For more professional mediums or big studios, I wouldn't be surprised if they try to use their own assets for more control, but in general I'd expect that there's not much reason to reinvent the wheel when so many materials have been accurately modeled already. But yeah it was probably a pretty high amount of overhead to decide on what's good enough.

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