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Lecture 13: Global Illumination & Path Tracing (22)

I'm wondering how would the direction omega be represented in our implementation? Would we be representing it using (theta, phi)? Or (x,y,z)?


I think because the omega represents the direction of the light coming in, it should be a vector or in other words (x, y, z) given what dimension we are in.


I believe either representation would work — spherical coordinates should technically require (r, theta, phi), but if we assume we're only working with unit vectors then (theta, phi) would be a valid representation. However, as we saw in Project 3-1, there are a few benefits to using the (x, y, z) representation. For example, if w_i is a unit vector, and we are working in a local coordinate system where the normal vector points along the z axis, then cos(w_i) is just the z component of w_i. I thought this was pretty interesting to see, and I'm curious whether we'll see scenarios in which the spherical coordinate representation might be more useful in the future!

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