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Lecture 15: Cameras & Lenses (14)

Do Sensors ever collect light from more than 180 degrees or is that more practically done with multiple sensors?


I'm wondering when we zoom in and out on our phone camera, does our phone also internally adjust the focal lens?


Focal length represents the angle of view and the magnification. The longer the focal length, the narrower the angle of view and the higher the magnification.


@JefferyYC I think some phones (like iPhone) have multiple camera types on 1 phone to adjust for this , such as a telephoto lens or wide-angle lens, not sure if they internally adjust the focal lens though (though if it did, would be a much smaller degree than traditional camera)


I'm a little confused on the convention for focal length. Is this saying that we chain the focal length to what it would be on a 35mm film? Aren't all 35mm films different


I also sorta agree with the previous comment. This naming scheme makes it super hard to keep track of. I feel that this is something that a lot of tech has to deal with in terms of legacy naming. In that regard, I kinda like qualitative terms like wide and telephoto more, but I'm sure professionals require much more detailed terminology.

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