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Lecture 15: Cameras & Lenses (35)

I find this technique super cool. I also like the 3D ken burns effect here, which I tend to put into the same category of camera effects. Also, this Instagram user does a lot of cool camera tricks. This is one of her videos with the Dolly-Zoom effect here.


This might be a little late. But this video here provides lots of examples and quite good explanation: It surprises me that each camera man could co-operate with high accuracy to provide such effect without blurring the subject.


If the sensor plane can be translated on the z-axis (towards the lens) within the camera body and we have the camera with a zoom lens, would it be possible to reproduce a similar effect without moving the camera body, but rather by moving the sensor plane within the camera and also adjusting the focal length simultaneously? The movement of the camera body creates shaking effects as shown here in the resulted movie (i.e. we can tell that the camera is moving on the z-axis), but I imagine the translatable sensor plane would resolve this issue.

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