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Lecture 15: Cameras & Lenses (91)

Can motion blur be used for efficiency to render objects in less detail in the scene? Per my understanding, motion blur is normally added on top of a fully rendered image; and in video games where motion blur is an option that can be toggled, turning on motion blur either has no noticeable impact on performance or a very small negative impact on performance from the small amount of extra computation (this is all according to various internet sources, maybe it makes some games faster but the general consensus is that it normally doesn’t). However, I’m thinking that maybe a motion blurred area doesn’t have to be fully anti-aliased/ray-traced/etc. Would this be possible and would it have a non-trivial impact? Why doesn’t this seem to be used? (in video games, at least)


I don't think blurriness can be achieved with non-fully raytracing considering the fact that they still need to reflect light correctly to produce the correct radiance & reflect light to other objects.

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