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Lecture 17: Intro to Physical Simulation (39)

Particle systems seem like they could be very computational difficult to render, as the rendering system needs to keep track of each individual particle, which might have it's own unique characteristics. I wonder how this is made efficient and if we can group together particles such that it still looks like individually moving particles but computational they don't have to be taken into account multiple times. For example, if we were to render particles that were very close together, like sand, I wonder if we could just bind groups of sand particles together and treat them all as one object. Even though the motion between each sand particle on that level might not look coherent, depending on the context and how far away we are from the sand, it might not visually matter.


Particle systems seem like they could be very computational difficult to render, as the rendering system needs to keep track of each individual particle, which might have it's own unique characteristics. I wonder how this is made efficient and if we can group together particles such that it still looks like individually moving particles but computational they don't have to be taken into account multiple times. For example, if we were to render particles that were very close together, like sand, I wonder if we could just bind groups of sand particles together and treat them all as one object. Even though the motion between each sand particle on that level might not look coherent, depending on the context and how far away we are from the sand, it might not visually matter.


I was interested in what applications particle systems have. One I found cool was its applications in biology. You can use particle systems to render blood cells.


Particle systems tend to be split into three modules: an emission stage providing a location and generating new particles; a simulation stage which updates parameters and how particles evolve; and a rendering stage which specifies how to render a particle. Such systems tend to be used when conventional rendering techniques don't suffice, such as for curating highly chaotic systems, natural phenomena, or chemical reactions.

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