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Lecture 17: Intro to Physical Simulation (8)

The true dynamics of hair could be more complicated since the diameter of the root and end position are different!

The thicker places might have larger stiffness.


It's interesting to me that even something as simple as hair has physics to it. Hair seems especially complicated because of all the strands that can be different from one another.


Looking at something like video games, hair is usually the area that is most difficult to render realistically as well as the physics of it. Is this because of how thin each strand of hair is? And because of the sheer number of hair strands? It is interesting that after everything we've gone through hair remains as one of the most difficult parts of physical simulation.


There are also intricacies in hair simulations when it comes to its directionality and clumping behaviors, although I believe this was also touched on in the previous lecture on materials. Still, it's incredibly fascinating stuff that I'm guessing has a lot of specialized physics dedicated towards it.

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