Here is a nice article that explains when to use RGB color schemes vs CMYK
TLDR: RGB is best for websites and digital communications, while CMYK is better for print materials; CMYK is a subtractive model
A follow up on the previous comment, if you look at the printer color cartridge you can see that there are individual sections for different color of the CMYK.
Interestingly, if you take a closer look into the printing result, you can see overlayed "dots" that from a distance form the additive color.
Here is a nice article that explains when to use RGB color schemes vs CMYK
TLDR: RGB is best for websites and digital communications, while CMYK is better for print materials; CMYK is a subtractive model
A follow up on the previous comment, if you look at the printer color cartridge you can see that there are individual sections for different color of the CMYK.
Interestingly, if you take a closer look into the printing result, you can see overlayed "dots" that from a distance form the additive color.