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Lecture 18: Color Science (18)

As a kid I thought that colorblindness was simply seeing the world in black and white, but now being able to visualize it from a colorblind person's perspective is quite interesting. Nowadays there are often colorblind video settings in video games for those with these different color blind perceptions, which I think should be implemented in more places than just games.


Example: Valorant has different enemy highlighting (a colored "glow" around the enemy) depending on the type of colorblindness.

Tritanopia (cannot distinguish between blue and yellow colors) uses purple highlight

Deuteranopia (complete loss of ability to distinguish colors) uses a yellow highlight

Protanopia (Blindness to red) also uses a yellow highlight


I would like to add that there is different extents of color blind. If a person is completely color blind then he completely cannot tell the difference between colors, but that is actually really rare. Most of the case, they will just see color different from normal people, and they can distinguish colors easily.


Here is a great picture showing the different type of color blindness:

One of my family relatives suffers from protanopia, who has trouble distinguishing red/green/yellow. So he does have some troubles reading traffic lights, especially when the red light and green light are in the same place.


A newly learned trivia: there are glasses that can help with some forms of color blindness that works by increasing the saturation of certain light wavelength


Sad fact: in some country even mild color vision deficiency can lead to denial of driver's license.


whats sorts of biological advantage does colorblindness add? Seems like it limits the quality of life more than it improves. And how do colorblind people enjoy movies?

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