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Lecture 22: Virtual Reality (16)

At launch, the Oculus cost $599, the Touch controllers $199, and required a gaming PC that cost $1000+. Now the whole setup (Oculus Quest 2) can be bought for $299 and can run on a much cheaper PC


@gowenong I definitely hear about this few years ago and wasn't really into this, as I know they are expensive. But seeing it price drop this much, I could imagine there are many companies are getting into the VR field, thus the competition lowers the price. But was wondering why would the previous version run on a more expensive PC while the latter one can run on a cheaper one?


Meta is actually working on a new project called project Cambria, which is a higher end headset than the quest. It will have upgraded hardware, pancake lenses (so be more shallow), and a more balanced form making VR more accessible to a wider audience.

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