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Lecture 22: Virtual Reality (56)

6 degree of freedom is important because we can simulate the motion parallax effect, which essentially says object closer to us moves faster across our retina. (We need to measure our head motion across x, y, z to display the correct scene) This motion parallax effect is essential for 3D perception. A youtube video demonstrates this:


Google Cardboard seems like such a good idea because even if it's not perfect or as good as another VR headset, it provides an economic alternative to access VR content. Most people already have phones and as long as the apps they are using support VR, they just need a bit of cardboard to transform it into a VR setup.


I also really like google cardboard, but does the phone have enough display resolution / fps to support a realistic VR experience. I have tried the google cardboard but never the oculus, so was wondering how stark the difference is.

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