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Lecture 22: Virtual Reality (77)

It looks like low latency is a very important thing to get down to get realistic-looking VR. I will say that when I've played VR games on a not extremely powerful computer before with even just a little bit of visual lag, it kind of took me out of the immersion. I imagine that the future of improvements to VR is making it look more and more realistic by bringing down latency even more.


It's been pretty interesting to learn a bit about the inner mechanics and challenges in VR and see the effect of latency show up as one of those challenges. In the past, the only instance in which I have discussed VR in an academic context was with an EE Professor about his research, where he was talking about trying to improve data transfer speeds over network so that we could have VR goggles function wirelessly. It's cool to see that the research he is doing show up as a notable problem in this class.

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