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Lecture 3: Sampling and Aliasing (113)

Camera device manufacturers also need to consider sampling patterns. Color Filter Arrays

However, they have extra constraints, what do you think they are?


Making an analogy to this diagram, to turn it into a "color filter array" each sampling point would be replaced by a "color filter" which filters light by a specified wavelength range. A demosaicing algorithm is then used to turn the samples into an image; however, this algorithm will depend on the sampling pattern and the desired image (e.g., 8-bit RGB or otherwise). Notice that unlike this diagram shown in the slide, the sampling pattern would most likely be arranged in a grid. Then, design considerations include grid resolution in height and width, how many color filters to use, where to place them, and which demosaicing algorithm to use (w/ considerations like speed, accuracy, etc.). Note that the sensor application (e.g., only detecting red traffic lights) will also be taken into account when designing the color filter array.

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