This is a good summary of different texture sampling frequencies. When the image has more pixels than the texture (magnification), it appears not as sharp. When the image has less pixels than the picture (minification), there will be aliasing effects. Note: texel = texture pixel
I think it's important to not think of screen pixel to texel mapping as just scaled 1:1 mapping. I found it pretty helpful to think of them as two different coordinate systems that one can toggle between to read different information!
This is a good summary of different texture sampling frequencies. When the image has more pixels than the texture (magnification), it appears not as sharp. When the image has less pixels than the picture (minification), there will be aliasing effects. Note: texel = texture pixel
I think it's important to not think of screen pixel to texel mapping as just scaled 1:1 mapping. I found it pretty helpful to think of them as two different coordinate systems that one can toggle between to read different information!