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Lecture 8: Mesh Representations and Geometry Processing (21)

If v is v[0], why would the function return t[0]? Isn't that the clockwise direction?

Resolved: It's from the perspective of the blue triangle.


@yinxudeng would you mind clarifying? From the perspective of the blue triangle, it still seems to be that t[1] is counterclockwise from v[0]. I think I'm missing something here..


@CarneAsadaFry I think what yinxudeng was referring to by the blue triangle's perspective is that imagine instead of us looking at the blue triangle from our screens, we are instead the blue triangle looking back at us (in other words, everything is mirrored). Then if we are given vertex v[0], t[0] would be the triangle counterclockwise from it in our mirrored world.

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