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Lecture 9: Ray Tracing (14)

How would we calculate the weights of each ray? Would it be some coefficient defined by the object's material?


Do the shadow rays take into account the ambient light sources in the room as well? Last lecture on lighting it was discussed that ambient light was placed to light up other sides of objects not immediately facing the light source in question so that everything facing away from the light was not black. Would that ambient light also need its own shadow rays?


How would this slide change if we had multiple light sources (could we just directly combine the weighted sum of ray contributions)? Also, is there a typical number for the max recursion depth for rendering engines?


I think maybe ray tracing is implemented to work alongside some pre-rendered lighting/shadow effects as well, similar to what was discussed in the rasterization pipeline lecture. Although don't quote me on this, maybe there is some consideration for how rays interact with pre-rendered effects. @neelkong


Does Ray Tracing essentially replace the other lighting/shader techniques spoken about in earlier lectures? Or do real time graphics today use Ray Tracing to build on top of already existing shading techniques to make scenes even more realistic than before?


What other disadvantages of Recursive Ray Tracing are there besides computation performance? Are there solutions to address these disadvantages?


What are the problems with recursive ray tracing. I'm wondering because there are usually tradeoffs in computer graphics. Just like when we implement supersampling to solve a problem, it introduced new problems. So I'm curious what are the problems that recursive ray tracing might bring. Also, what is the big O notation for this algorithim.


What are the weights we use for calculating the final pixel color? How do we determine that?


I'm wondering if we had two or more light sources, what would change about this situation. Would we take the average of each of the two, or the max (or some other mathematical calculation)?


Is ray tracing used a lot in graphics systems today? It seems complex to trace so many rays of light for one image so I'm wondering how efficient this method is.


I understand the algorithm here but the difficulties seem to lie in the optimization since there is a recursion per pixel. Is it just for specular light and not ambient light?


How can you determine what a non-specular surface is?


What are the weights? if it's recursive, do we need to keep track of what object it hits, especially when the number of pixels we need to remember is increasing


@greeknerd1 I assume that data is stored in the material - the properties of how light interacts are generally surface/dependent, and since presumably you know what object you're hitting when you do your ray intersection, what you do next when computing the "outcome" is probably a function of the object's properties.

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