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Lecture 21: Virtual Reality (6)

One of the biggest hurdles in the field that sets back the pursuit of photorealistic visuals and justifies more stylized art styles is the fact that the GPU must render the same scene from two different eye positions.


A new optimization method includes foveated rendering which reduces the resolution of where you're not looking to focus performance and quality on key elements of scenes. This can be found in Insta360 video players and the PSVR2 headsets.


Star Wars Squadrons received very positive reviews regarding their VR work. What especially stood out was their 360-degree field of view and the ability to track movements in real-time to help with head movement synchronization. What I don't know is what optimization techniques did they use, because a lot of these developments take especially long to render and with a video game the rendering should be instantaneous to provide a seamless experience


One reason Squadrons works so well in VR is because of its cockpit view, you never have to move around the scene by teleporting in order to traverse a huge space. This is also way racing games have large VR followings--they're able to provide realistic simulations without the common causes of VR motion sickness.


I think VR cannot be separated from the understanding and application of binocular vision. Only a better simulation of human binocular s vision can give users a more realistic experience


I think countermoe brings up a good point about the PoV itself. An upcoming first person shooter game called Unrecord uses a fisheye effect and really brings together the immersive experience. Like many things in graphics, we can stimulate a sense of reality through other means instead of just perfectly trying to replicate it.

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