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Lecture 14: Material Modeling (6)

It seems the rendering of glossy materials involves more complex light interactions, especially when simulating reflected light. Will this leads to a slower convergence in path tracing?


@ KevinXu02 It looks like rendering glossy materials can indeed result in slower convergence in path tracing compared to diffuse materials since, like you said, the glossy materials exhibit more complex light interactions. This also makes me wonder how we render stuff like flames.


@licorisradiatu that was a super cool question and one that I attempted to gather some info on, since I imagine it would have really cool video game / film applications! Here's a thesis for real-time rendering that I found:

As well as a brief overview from Imperial College of London:


How does color play into rendering shiny materials? The copper has an overall orange hue while the aluminum is more silver. Yet, both of these materials reflect other colors in their environment; for instance, in the aluminum there orange from some light source or object to the right. I would imagine that the "true color" of an object is more apparent if its surface scatters light more evenly in all directions (you can for instance tell the color of a matte object whereas you cannot tell that of a mirror). However, are there any other factors that play into the relationship between gloss and color?


I'm also curious as to how color plays a factor in how the reflection appears. Is it just an "addition" of some sorts of the color of the material to the "reflection" coming from the glossy effect?


I think this figure is demonstrating the scattering of the light ray, the blue area is the set of all possible paths of light reflected (as the surface of the material is not completely flat, even though it is glossy)

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